Review of the Casio G-Shock GXW-56-1BJF

by WatchReport

Casio G-Shock GXW-56-1BJFThe new Casio G-Shock GXW-56 — and its American counterpart, the GX-56 — are proof that huge is the new big. With a case 55.5mm wide at its widest point, and 17.5mm high, the GXW-56 is the biggest G-Shock ever made. (Yes, they are even larger than the venerable Frogman.)

(Before going any further, I want to point out the differences between the GXW and the GX. The GXW is the Japanese version and has multi-band atomic timekeeping. The GX is the American version which is less expensive, and has all the features of the GXW except atomic time calibration. This review focuses specifically on a GXW-56-1BJF which I imported from Japan in order to get atomic time calibration, but most of what I cover here pertains to the GX, as well.)

The thinking behind the GXW-56 (and the GX-56) is that, in the overall scheme of things, typical G-Shocks simply aren’t all that big anymore. Yes, they are certainly bigger than your average timepiece, but if you look at the watches that are really driving the trends right now, G-Shocks don’t completely dominate in terms of size. So in order to maintain their status as trend-setters (and make no mistake — G-Shocks are as much about fashion as they are toughness; if you don’t believe me, read my coverage of Shock the World), it was time for G-Shocks to take the next step.

Fortunately, Casio decided to do something constructive with all that extra space in the case: they filled it with aGEL which they describe like this:

aGEL® is a soft silicone gel material with outstanding shock-absorbing characteristics.

So what is this mysterious new aGEL material? aGEL, or Alpha GEL, is the brand name for the soft silicone gel material which was first made famous by Asics Gel running shoes, and it helps to make the GXW-56 even more shock and vibration resistant than your standard G-Shock.

But the GXW-56 isn’t all about size. It also has the functionality and features that we’ve come to expect from G-Shocks. Here’s an exhaustive list:

  • Solar powered. Fully charged and without atomic time calibration, the GXW-56 can run for 11 months without light.
  • Multi-band atomic. Like all the new G-Shocks, it’s multi-band 6 which means it can receive time calibration signals from every atomic time transmitter in the world (one in the US, two in Japan, one in Germany, one in the UK, and the newest one in China). (Note that this feature is missing from the GX-56 line.)
  • 200m (660 feet) water-resistant.
  • Highly shock-resistant. With the new application of Alpha GEL at the 12, 3, 6, and 9 o’clock positions, the GXW is even more shock-resistant than previous G-Shock models.
  • Mud and dust resistant. An inner layer of flexible urethane completely encloses the buttons sealing the case against small particles.
  • Electroluminescent backlight with auto-illumination feature which allows the light to come on in the dark when the watch is tiled toward your face.
  • World time with 31 time zones and 48 cities (and UTC).
  • Four daily alarms and one snooze alarm.
  • Stopwatch with a resolution of 1/100th of a second.
  • Countdown timer with a maximum capacity of 24 hours.
  • Perpetual calendar, pre-programmed until 2099 (at which point watches will probably be so much bigger that this one will look positively dainty).
  • 55.5mm x 53.6mm, and 17.5mm high. Weight is about 88 grams.
  • The GX-56 goes for $150 retail, and the GXW goes for about $260 USD.

To summarize, the GXW has everything I’ve come to expect from a G-Shock, but in a much larger and bolder case. The GX has everything the GXW has except atomic time calibration.

So the big question on everyone’s mind whether the GXW-56 is actually too big. I say it’s not. When I initially got it, I fully expected to eventually pass it along to someone with a wrist as large as my biceps after the review. However, after wearing it for a few days, I’ve really come to like the size and the presence, and at this point, I have no intention of letting it go. It is now officially the newest member of my permanent G-Shock collection.

Watch sizes are like haircuts. Sometimes it takes a couple of days to get used to them, but once you do, they feel completely natural. Rather than it feeling big, my other watches now feel too small. To me, the size, bulk, and presence of the GXW-56 simply represents more of a very good thing.

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Gary March 9, 2011 - 12:42 am

Great review, Christian. This is indeed a massive watch. Knowing how you’ve complained a few times in the past about your wrist size being a little small for some watches you like, it’s encouraging to hear how you’ve come to appreciate this monster. It seems that Casio contoured it just right. Like you, I’ve had an M5600BC as my go-to watch. I really like the retro styling, stealth appearance, comfortable size, weight, and wearable bracelet. But this new GX-56 is amazing to look at, and certainly doesn’t bring any fear of damage during hard use.

How is the alarm sound, relative to your other Casio watches? I find the M5600BC so anemic, that it’s practically useless for me to use as an alarm (my mild case of tinnitus may be at just the right frequency to interfere). I recently picked up a used G-3010, because I’d heard about how great the alarm is… and it sure reaches a nice loud sound level. I’m curious to know how the GX-56 stacks up.

Rohank712 August 23, 2011 - 4:54 pm

Christian, must say you are a G-Shock follower. Just got it today and LOVED it, its massive and tough. However if Casio would have added compass, thermometer and altimeter then this watch would have not only termed the MASTER of G but also multi-functional too. Regarding alarm, have to find out how does it perform as my PAW 2000-1(excellent pathfinder timepiece) has a decent alarm which wakes me in the morning if I am not drunk last night :-) Size does matter…its huge!!!

konandy September 7, 2011 - 10:18 pm

Rohank712, where did you buy yours from?

Radek March 31, 2012 - 7:11 am

Just ordered new GXW 56 KG – 3JF from Japan. Should arrive in a week. Cant wait for this monster to land on my 7 and 3/4 wrist. Will post more  after I get them….

Lewis Clifford October 31, 2012 - 5:47 am

Classic old skool style looking G-Shock. I’m a fan of the G-shock analogue watches

Ty April 26, 2023 - 1:18 am

I just bought a G-SHOCK GXW-56BB-1JF. My first digital watch. Thanks for the article reading it played a large part in why, and what I purchased.

Dennis Moergen November 5, 2015 - 5:14 pm

I am looking for the maual in english instead of japanese and I thought you had one available. The watch isn’t that big I hafe owned my G Shoick for about 4 or 5 years and I don’t think it is that big. I like it a lot and highly recommend the purchase.

Alex Valencia August 8, 2016 - 10:50 am

Is it ture that they came out with new GXW 56
this past July?

Tarang April 12, 2017 - 6:33 am

Hey buddy how big is your wrist, an appx measurement will be muchly appreciated.

Don Evans April 13, 2017 - 10:08 am

Unfortunately Christian is no longer with Watchreport, and I am not sure of his wrist size. I would look up some old reviews from 2008-2012 or so either here or on Youtube done by Christian to find out his wrist size.

Evie December 4, 2020 - 7:02 am

I’m female and rather sturdily built, so this G looks perfect on my wrist. I own a GX5600BB and it compliments my daily outfits. Wouldn’t say I wear lace and ribbons, more like black on black whatever suits the occasion and looks good on me, while still looking feminine to some extent. (I guess my cleavage really helps :D ) My wrist is 18 cm in circumference and this beast looks great, and feels great on it. Even my nail artist says she’s envious of it. If only it didn’t get steam under the glass, it would be perfect.


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